SIETAR Japan Online Conference 2020

SIETAR Japan Online Conference 2020


Unter dem Titel “Reimagining the Intercultural Landscape in Times of Adversity” findet am 07. und 08. November die SIETAR Japan Online Conference statt.

Dabei sollen die besonderen Umstände des Jahres 2020 nicht nur formal berücksichtigt werden (durch das Online Format), sondern auch inhaltlich im Mittelpunkt stehen:

WELCOME! ようこそ!

We are delighted to have you join our 35th annual conference, which is the first to be held online.

2020 has already proven to be a year of incredible pain, with the worldwide death toll from Covid-19 reaching over a half million people and continuing to grow, and heartbreak, at the racial injustice, hatred and violence that continues without recognition of our shared humanity. It is unimaginable to go back to the world we accepted as normal just a few short months ago.

And so we begin to reimagine our world, and the Intercultural Landscape that SIETAR Japan is a part of. This year’s annual conference will be an opportunity for timely dialogue and commitment to the future, with the theme of Reimagining the Intercultural Landscape in Times of Adversity.

We have planned two days of interactive virtual events, headlined by two keynote webinars. Our invited speakers will lead us in an exploration of what it means to be an interculturalist in these times of immense change and opportunity. How can we have a real impact and shape our future?


Weitere Infos, zum Programm und deren Speakers, finden Sie HIER.

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Die Anmeldefrist endet am 29. Oktober.