Dear SIETARians,
we are pleased to inform you that registration for SIETAR Deutschlands virtual BarCamp 2022 (4th and 5th February) is now open. So register quickly and secure your ticket! Until the end of this year we offer an Early Bird discount!
The registration link and further information about the BarCamp can be found on our BarCamp homepage: virtual BarCamp 2022 – REGISTRIERUNG/REGISTRATION (
As already announced in our Save the Date announcement, we would like to use this BarCamp to give impulses to topics and trends that are currently moving the world and each and every one of us.
The central theme of the event is
Verantwortung – Responsibility – Responsabilidad – Ответственность – مسئولیت
with comparative, intercultural and transcultural considerations
Since our first announcement, we have received a lot of positive feedback about SIETAR Deutschlands virtual BarCamp 2022. We are very happy about this good response.
With SIETAR Deutschlands virtual BarCamp 2022 we offer you the opportunity to come with topics or questions and leave with solutions, new perspectives.
The world is facing great challenges on different levels. What issues are you dealing with in your everyday professional life?
In the context of the BarCamp, we offer the chance to look at issues that are in the context of the BarCamp theme „SELF-GROUP-GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY“ together in a solution-oriented way, among other things with the help of comparative cultural, intercultural and transcultural considerations.
We would like to talk about who takes which responsibility where, what contribution we make and what we can learn from others or what we can shape together in a new or different way.
We are looking forward to a creative, fruitful event full of interesting experiences and good results!
Yours BarCamp-Orga-Team
Heike Abt, Linda Hagen, Chiara Marchi, Ghotai Sardehi-Nurzai, Agnieszka Vojta, Marie-Kristin Gottlieb