„Growing your own multilogue“ – Impulsvortrag mit Nikola Hale
Zusammen mit Nikola Hale laden wir Euch ein, gemeinsam die Essenz von Multilogue zu erforschen. Das ist ihr Beitrag zur Ermöglichung besserer und belebender Lebensräume und Arbeitsplätze für uns und die Menschen, mit denen wir in Kontakt kommen. Das Event ist ein gemeinsames Event der Regionalgruppe Stuttgart, Frankfurt und Berlin-Brandenburg.
Die Veranstaltungsinfos im Überblick
- Regionalgruppen: Stuttgart, Frankfurt & Berlin-Brandenburg
- Datum und Uhrzeit: Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024 19:00-20:30 Uhr (+ zusätzliche 30 Minuten für Interessierte für Q&A)
- Sprache: Der Impulsvortrag wird auf Englisch sein. Die Diskussionsrunde kann dann auf Englisch/Deutsch stattfinden.
- Anmeldung: Bitte meldet Euch bis zum 18. Juni 2024 unter regiostuttgart@sietar-deutschland.de an. Danach erhaltet Ihr den Einladungslink.
Über den Vortrag
How can I add to what is already an immensely rich spectrum of lived experiences and multiple perspectives we have? HOW and WHAT do we do? I have always been fascinated by the HOW we conduct our work, perhaps as much as the WHAT we do. MULTILOGUE is an approach in enabling un-alienated collaboration spaces in cultural complexity, as I defined it in a chapter in the Springer Publication of 2023, Taking a relational perspective in cultural complexity. For the findings in this book, I was invited to be one of the 40 global experts in the DELPHI project led by Julika Baumann-Montecinos et al. at Zeppelin University. My research on Multilogue was grown in the laboratory of the community of Practice, the Global Conscious Peacemakers (GCP) group, and then tested in various seminars with graduate students, corporate training groups and presentations.
- Do we consider the somatic impulses we receive when we conduct training, educating, coaching or counselling? How can we enhance our service to fit the person or group, rather than try to fit them into some system we have learned or plan we have made?
- Are we focusing on the differences which hinder healthy communication and collaboration, or have we shifted our focus to the commonalities which support transcultural collaboration?
- And when do we ask which questions? How can curated nudges and queries support co-creating workplaces and lifespaces in which people want to contribute and participate in their own ways?
- Input from Niko on the Multilogue (60 minutes)
- Break out groups to exchange how we enable and enhance creating safe spaces with our groups. (30 minutes)
- Links to Niko’s Multilogue chapter and one short podcast
- Link to her newest publication on “Navigating in the era of chaos through the lens of BANI”
- For anyone who would enjoy and has time we have scheduled 30 minutes more for Q & A (duration official workshop 90 minutes).
Nikola Hale is professor emerita of Intercultural Communication and Transcultural Management, HFU Business School, Furtwangen University, Germany. Since the Colloquium on Intercultural Communication in early 90’s at the University of Hildesheim, and the 3rd conference of SIETAR Europa at Bad Nauheim in 1993, she has been an active speaker and practitioner and trainer in international industry, higher education, government, and refugee work. She now collaborates in learning communities of practice, as member of the Scientific Advisory Board of SIETAR Germany, of the board of Global Conscious Peacemakers, and as a Circle of Fire Facilitator. Niko focusses her lifework on enabling global collaboration in cultural complexities. In her research and writing she explores liminality and unconscious biases in the interface between diverse socio-cultural clusters and bubbles. As a former dancer and current yoga teacher, and actor in the collaborative Volkstheater of Karlsruhe, she experiments with merging embodied cognition with transcultural discoveries to develop alternative approaches for creating new lifespaces.
Please contact through LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikola-hale-2982b1164/