Das nächste Treffen der Regionalgruppe Frankfurt/Rhein-Main/Unterfranken findet am 30.06.21 um 18:00 statt und  wird sich  dem Thema „What can we learn from Neuroscience and Embodiment for Intercultural Competence?“ widmen.

Teaching and training of intercultural competence cannot go around the striking questions: What is the evidence that our trainings have an effect on behavior? Can we really contribute to our students´ and participants´ habitual change? Or, most importantly, how can we reach the so called “deep learning”?

The workshop will focus on these questions by introducing some recent findings of neuroscience about the construct of culture, developmental learning and the notion of habitual change. In the interactive part of the workshop, we will try out some experimental and holistic exercises, which can be implemented into intercultural trainings and courses.

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkd-GoqjMsE9wrlSHrd_3-dMt3QSc_Lh0e