We invite you to the 90’ online workshop of the SIETAR Regional Group Frankfurt-Rhein-Main-Unterfranken: “How to adapt to a new culture without losing your identity”, which is an introduction to the Global Dexterity Method, developed by Andy Molinsky.

What does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today?

In reality, it means you are able to adapt your behaviour to conform to new cultural contexts without losing your authentic self in the process. Not only is this difficult, but it is also a frightening prospect for most people and something completely outside their comfort zone.

Since March 2020 we have been offering an online course Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Programme, which offers coaches and trainers the tools that they need to help clients to adapt behaviour to new cultural contexts without losing themselves in the process. Based on more than a decade of research, teaching, and consulting with managers and executives around the world, this course reveals an approach to adapting while feeling comfortable – an essential skill that enables you to switch behaviours and overcome the emotional and psychological challenges of doing so.

During our workshop, we would like to share some insights from the Global Dexterity Method and some information about the Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Programme. During this 90 min session participants will reflect on their one specific cross-cultural experience, through the lenses of Global Dexterity Method, using the first step from the Method – which is “diagnosing your cultural code”.

The workshop is dedicated to:

  • professionals working in global context, who are willing to reflect on their cross-cultural experience,
  • trainers, coaches and teachers, who would like to know more about the Global Dexterity Method.

During the workshop we will use online presentation, Google Jamboard and breakout sessions.

The workshop will be facilitated by the certified practitioners of the Global Dexterity Method Kinga Białek and Aleksandra Darul-Hagemeister. Kinga Białek is also a co-developer of the Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Program.

See you on 20th October at 6pm CET!

Registration under: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odu-srjkoEtcI419K-OBIqDKDjb8-BR-P

Our Speakers:

Kinga Białek:

Who am I: I work as a Cross-Cultural Psychologist and Trainer, certified by the Polish Psychological Association. I am Cross-Cultural Consultant for companies and institutions, mentor for people with migration experience and pioneer in implementing cross-cultural trainings in Poland.

What I do: I have been implementing trainings and consulting services, which aim to develop cross-cultural and interpersonal competence since year 2000. I work for and with clients from Poland, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. I work in Polish and English language, and with simultaneous translation.

My expertise: I specialise in building dialogue between people from different cultures, in strengthening international cooperation between international experts and in the development of the potential of migrating people (expats, migrants, repatriates). My passion is to promote the development of expert knowledge about other cultures (culture specific trainings). I support the development of building trust in international cooperation (through Laboratory of Cross-Cultural Methods) and I help to increase intercultural awareness. Above all, my aim is to lower the stress and increase satisfaction in cross-cultural encounter among my Clients.

My experience: It has been almost 20 years, since I started my cross-cultural profession. I feel self-confident and natural in conducting trainings, implementing training’s need analysis and evaluation of the developmental programmes for culturally diverse groups. I am author, co-author and editor of few publications about cross-cultural competence, a few of them firstly published in Poland and in Polish language, i.e. training manual for intercultural trainers, psychological guide for repatriates experiencing culture shock and handbook for teachers working with different cultures.

My ethics: My work is guided by Code of Ethics granted by Polish Psychological Association and Code of Ethics granted by SIETAR Polska (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research). I work under professional psychological supervision.

Aleksandra Darul-Hagemeister:

Consultant, Facilitator and University Lecturer

As an independent consultant, trainer and university lecturer Aleksandra facilitates development of global and diverse teams, inclusive leadership, transformation processes for creation of inclusive work cultures as well as personal development and change. The focus of her work is the question of how organizations, teams and individuals can truly benefit from diverse talents and perspectives in the age of digital transformation.

She has extensive professional expertise in project-oriented work in multicultural, cross-functional and remote teams, which she gained in her work as a consultant and project manager in multinational companies. Her work is also science-based due to her research on international business development and multicultural project teams.

Aleksandra holds an MBA for the University of Bath, UK and a Master degree in Organizational & Work Psychology from the University of Wuppertal, Germany. She is also a Certified Facilitator of Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace and a Cultural Intelligence Trainer.

Aleksandra was born in Gdańsk, Poland and since 2000 she has been living and working in Germany.