Culture Buff Games Webinar

In this webinar Lucy Fogarty, the founder of Culture Buff Games ( will show how intercultural trainers and educators can use interactive games to teach country specific cultural values (Chinese, Indian, British or American values) to foreigners in a way that is fun and engaging. Designed by interculturalists, Culture Buff Games leverage visual culture scenarios and gamification to illustrate how Chinese, Indian, American or British values manifest in contemporary culture and are informed by key historical events. Culture Buff’s interactive games emphasize learner driven problem solving and practical application of cultural knowledge.

Join this virtual webinar to learn how to facilitate country-specific interactive games in your virtual cultural trainings. Experience assuming the role of learner by playing country specific interactive games in breakout rooms with other participants and see first-hand the power of visual culture scenarios to boost awareness about different cultures.

Game Demo (30 mins), Breakout rooms (35mins), Q&A (25 mins).

When? Monday, October 11th, 2021  7 – 8.30pm via zoom

Registration until October 10th, 2021 via eventbrite

You’ll find the zoom link in your ticket.